Class: GroupUserPickerClient


new GroupUserPickerClient(jiraClient)

Used to access Jira REST endpoints in '/rest/api/2/groupuserpicker'

Name Type Description
jiraClient JiraClient


findUsersAndGroups(opts, callbackopt) → {Promise}

Returns a list of users and groups matching query with highlighting. This resource cannot be accessed anonymously.

Name Type Attributes Description
opts Object

The request options to send to the Jira API.

Name Type Attributes Description
query string

A string used to search username, Name or e-mail address

maxResults number <optional>

the maximum number of users to return (defaults to 50). The maximum allowed value is 1000. If you specify a value that is higher than this number, your search results will be truncated.

showAvatar boolean <optional>

Whether to show the avatar

fieldId string <optional>

The custom field id, if this request comes from a custom field, such as a user picker. Optional.

projectId string <optional>

The list of project ids to further restrict the search This parameter can occur multiple times to pass in multiple project ids. Comma separated value is not supported. This parameter is only used when fieldId is present.

issueTypeId string <optional>

The list of issue type ids to further restrict the search. This parameter can occur multiple times to pass in multiple issue type ids. Comma separated value is not supported. Special values such as -1 (all standard issue types), -2 (all subtask issue types) are supported. This parameter is only used when fieldId is present.

callback <optional>

Called when the search is completed.


Resolved when the search is completed.
