"use strict";
module.exports = MyPermissionsClient;
* Used to access Jira REST endpoints in '/rest/api/2/mypermissions'
* @param {JiraClient} jiraClient
* @constructor MyPermissionsClient
function MyPermissionsClient(jiraClient) {
this.jiraClient = jiraClient;
* Returns all permissions in the system and whether the currently logged in user has them. You can optionally
* provide a specific context to get permissions for (projectKey OR projectId OR issueKey OR issueId)
* * When no context supplied the project related permissions will return true if the user has that permission in
* ANY project
* * If a project context is provided, project related permissions will return true if the user has the permissions
* in the specified project. For permissions that are determined using issue data (e.g Current Assignee), true will
* be returned if the user meets the permission criteria in ANY issue in that project
* * If an issue context is provided, it will return whether or not the user has each permission in that specific
* issue
* NB: The above means that for issue-level permissions (EDIT_ISSUE for example), hasPermission may be true when no
* context is provided, or when a project context is provided, but may be false for any given (or all) issues. This
* would occur (for example) if Reporters were given the EDIT_ISSUE permission. This is because any user could be a
* reporter, except in the context of a concrete issue, where the reporter is known.
* Global permissions will still be returned for all scopes.
* @method getMyPermissions
* @memberOf MyPermissionsClient#
* @param opts The request options sent to the Jira API
* @param [callback] Called when the permissions have been returned.
* @return {Promise} Resolved when the permissions have been returned.
this.getMyPermissions = function (opts, callback) {
var options = {
uri: this.jiraClient.buildURL('/mypermissions'),
method: 'GET',
json: true,
followAllRedirects: true,
qs: {
issueId: opts.issueId,
issueKey: opts.issueKey,
projectId: opts.projectId,
projectKey: opts.projectKey,
return this.jiraClient.makeRequest(options, callback);